Sunday, August 31, 2008


O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God, and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand.
Psam 95 : 6-7

Biblical worship is on God's terms, not ours. Psalm 95, in calling us to worship, says nothing about our rights. Instead, it summarily calls us to bow down, to kneel before this one whose creatures we are - the sheep of His pasture. And make no mistake, the call to bowing and kneeling refers to more than mere bodily posture. It focuses the surrender of our will and way to Him. It means that we are granting supreme authority to God; that in worship and in life we are giving up our will in favour of His. It notes a foundational fact about true worship: Once I choose the living God as my God, I give up the right to worship in my own way. In the very act of naming God "GOD," you and I are granting to Him alone the right to prescribe how He wishes to be worshipped.

For example, in Genesis 22, when God told Abraham to go to the land of Moriah to worship, we're introduced to God's ways in appointing the "worship program" for those He plans to grow up in faith's ways. Abraham had no occasion to say, "Sure, God! I will worship You - but how about my own way, OK?" Rather, when Abraham heard God tell him that he was to worship by offering his son Isaac on an altar of sacrifice, he knew that he had to choose between his way and God's way.

What a shock to have heard God's appointed worship plan! Offer Isaac?! Not only did this act apparently go against God's revealed displeasure with pagan practices of human sacrifice, but God had actually given Isaac as a special gift to Abraham and Sarah after they were past the normal age of childbearing. And now, to demand Isaac's life? Outlandish though it seems, Abraham was ready to obey, and he told his servants something very significant: "I and the lad will go yonder and worship" (Gen 22:5, KJV, emphasis added).

Of course, today we know the story's end: God provided another sacrifice - a ram caught in the thicket - and spared Isaac's life. Yet the New Testament says that Abraham really "offered" Isaac, because faith's living worship was found in his obedience and willingness (see Heb 11:17). He demostrated the basic meaning of worship: totally giving over our human will to the will of God.

As lifestyle worshipper, we are wise to expect to be shaped in understanding and practice as we answer God's call to worship. We'll find it not only a privilege but also a challenge. Be aware and be prepared: To grow in praise and worship is to discover new dimensions of saying to God, Not my will but Thine be done.

An extract from - The Heart of Praise by Jack Hayford

Blessings - TPWC

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Genesis 2: 4 - Praise Him our Lord God
Genesis 14: 18-20 - Praise Him our God Most High
Genesis 15:2 - Praise Him Our Master, Lord
Genesis 16:13 - Praise Him our God who Sees
Genesis 17:1-2 - Praise Him our Almighty, All Sufficient
Genesis 22:13-14 - Praise Him our Provider
Genesis 49:24 - Praise Him our Mighty One
Exodus 3:14 - Praise Him our Self-Existent One
Exodus 15:3 - Praise Him our Warrior
Exodus 15:22-26 - Praise Him our Healer and Restorer
Exodus 17:8-16 - Praise Him our Banner
Exodus 34:14 - Praise Him our Jealous God
Leviticus 20:8 - Praise Him our Sanctifier
Deuteronomy 4:24 - Praise Him our Consuming Fire
Deuteronomy 32:8 - Praise Him our Most High
Judges 6:4 - Praise Him our Peace
Ruth 3:9 to 4:14 - Praise Him our Kinsman - Redeemer
2 Samuel 22:2 - Praise Him our Rock
2 Samuel 22:29 - Praise Him our Keeper
Psalms 2:2 - Praise Him our Anointed One
Psalms 3:3 - Praise Him our Shield
Psalms 7:8 - Prasie Him our Judge
Psalms 7:9 - Praise Him our Righteous One
Psalms 10:16 - Praise Him our King
Psalms 18:2 - Praise Him our Horn of Salvation
Psalms 22:19 - Praise Him our Strength
Psalms 23 - Praise Him our Shepherd
Psalms 27:1 - Praise Him our Light and Salvation
Psalms 29:3 - Praise Him our God of Glory
Psalms 32:7 - Praise Him our Hiding Place
Psalms 94:22 - Praise Him our Defender
Psalms 121:5 - Praise Him our Keeper
Proverbs 8 - Praise Him our Wisdom
Proverbs 18:10 - Praise Him our Strong Tower
Song of Songs - Praise Him our Bridegroom
Song of Songs 2:1 - Praise Him our Rose of Sharon
Song of Songs 2:1 - Praise Him our Lily of the Valley
Isaiah 1:24 - Praise Him our Lord of Hosts
Isaiah 7:14 - Praise Him our Immanuel (Matthew 1:23)
Isaiah 9:6 - Praise Him our Counsellor
Isaiah 9:6 - Praise Him our Everlasting Father
Isaiah 9:6 - Praise Him our Prince of Peace
Isaiah 25:4 - Praise Him our Refuge
Isaiah 43:3 - Praise Him our Saivour
Isaiah 44:6 - Praise Him our First and Last
Isaiah 51:15 - Praise Him our Lord of Hosts
Isaiah 53:3 - Praise Him our Man of Sorrows
Isaiah 59:20 - Praise Him our Redeemer
Isaiah 64:8 - Praise Him our Potter
Jeremiah 23:5-6 - Praise Him our Righteousness
Lamentations 3:22-23 - Praise Him our Faithful One
Ezekiel 48:35 - Praise Him our God Who is There
Hosea 2:16, 19-20 - Praise Him our Husband
Micah 5:2 - Praise Him our Ruler
Haggai 2:7 - Praise Him our Desire of Nations
Zechariah 6:12 - Praise Him our Branch
Malachi 3:3 - Praise Him our Refiner
Malachi 4:2 - Praise Him our Sun of Righteousness
Matthew 8:20 Praise Him our Son of Man
Matthew 9:27 - Praise Him our Son of David
Luke 1:31 - Praise Him our Jesus
Luke 1:78 - Praise Him our Dayspring
Luke 4:23 - Praise Him our Physician
John 1:1 - Praise Him our Word
John 1:29, 36 - Praise Him our Lamb of God
John 1:32 - Praise Him our Dove
John 1:38 - Praise Him our Rabbi
John 1:41 - Praise Him our Messiah
John 6:14 - Praise Him our Prohpet
John 7:37-39 - Praise Him our Water
John 10:7-9 - Praise Him our Door
John 14:17 - Praise Him our Spirit of Truth
John 14:26 - Priase Him our Comforter (2Corinthians 1:3)
Acts 2:1-2 - Praise Him our Wind
Romans 8:15 - Praise Him our Abba
Romans 15:12 - Praise Him oue Root of Jesse
1 Corinthians 15:45 - Praise Him our Last Adam
Ephesians 1:22 - Praise Him our Head
Ephesians 2:20 - Praise Him our Conerstone
1 Timothy 2:5 - Praise Him our Mediator
1 Timothy 6:15 - Praise Him our Potentate
Hebrews 4:14 - Praise Him our Great High Priest
Hebrews 12:2 - Praise Him our Author and Finisher of Faith
Hewbrews 12:29 - Praise Him our Fire
1 Peter 2:25 - Praise Him our Bishop of our Souls
1 Peter 5:10 - Praise Him our God of all Grace
2 Peter 1:19 - Praise Him our Daystar
1 John 2:1 - Praise Him our Advocate
3 John 1:4, 8 - Praise Him our Truth
Revelation 1:8 - Praise Him our Alpha and Omega
Revelation 1:17 - Praise Him our First and Last
Revelation 3:14 - Praise Him our Faithful and True Witness
Revelation 3:14 - Praise Him our Beginning
Revelation 5: 5 - Praise Him our Lion of Judah
Revelation 7:2 - Praise Him our Living God
Revelation 15:3 - Praise Him our King of saints
Revelation 19:3 - Praise Him our Word of God
Revelation 19: 11 - Praise Him our Faithful and True
Revelation 19:13 - Praise Him our word
Revelation 19:16 - Praise Him our King of kings
Revelation 19:16 - Praise Him our Lord of lords
Revelation 22:16 - Praise Him our Morning Star

An extract from Praise Him - by Vivien Hibbert

Blessings - TPWC