Jesus Was Intimately Acquainted With
And Have A Daily Relationship With His Father
Exhibited Through Obedience
We have sought to establish for the past weeks that there is a distinction between the state of being a worshiper and the acts of expression of worship. A worshiper is one who is intimately aquainted with and has a daily relationship with God exhibited through OBEDIENCE. We have concluded that worship is not about doing, rather it is about BEING. It is from the state of being that all acts of worship must flow.We can look at many who worshiped God, but there is only ONE PERFECT WORSHIPER: JESUS! He is the model we must follow! It was out of His life of intimacy and daily relationship with the Father that Jesus destroyed the works of the devil. It was His OBEDIENCE unto death - the ultimate sacrifice - that allows us to be His family of worshipers.
1) Jesus Sought To Do The Will Of The Father
There is very little said in the Scripture about Jesus' childhood. But it does tell us, "Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favour with God and man." (Luke 2:52) Even as a child, Jesus was focused on pleasing His Father, doing His will, and walking out the purpose for which He had been born. As a young boy He sought to do the will of the Father. He declared to His earthly parents, "I must be about My Father's business," or more accurately translated, "I must be about the things of My Father." (See Luke 2:40-52)
This is important because while it is His death on the cross that paid the price for our sins, it is the way He lived His entire life that qualified Him to be the PERFECT WORSHIPER and the PERFECT SACRIFICE! We see Jesus focussed always on the purposes of God, totally consumed by the will of the Father. He said:
- "My food is to is to do the will of Him Who sent me and to finish it." (John 4:34)
- " ... I do not seek my own will but the will of the Father Who sent Me." (John 5:30)
- " I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him Who sent Me." (John 6:38)
Jesus maintained a place of discipline as He walked the earth and remained focused on His ultimate goal: Jesus listened for and listened to one voice only - the voice of the Father. He did not seek to do anything outside the will of God.
2) The Father's Delight In His Son

3) Jesus Was Intimately Acquainted With The Father
Jesus showed us that the life of a worshiper is a life of CONTINUAL COMMUNION AND COMMUNICATION with the Father. It was this type of daily communion with God that Adam (he was created as a worshiper) had once experienced in the Garden until he fell. Jesus exemplified this aspect of a worshiper's life through a life of prayer!
- " But He Himself would often slip away to the wilderness and pray ..." (Luke 5:16)
- " And it came about that while He was praying alone ..." (Luke 9:18)
- " Now it came to pass, as He was praying in a certain place ..." (Luke 11:1)
Every decision Jesus made was in direct alignment with His Father. Jesus regularly stole away to be alone with God, to spend time in His presence, to hear His heart and to know His mind. He emerged from those times of prayer empowered to carry out, by faith, the will of God. (John 5:19)
4) Jesus' Victory Over Satan
Following His baptism, Jesus was "led" into the wilderness and there He was tested by the devil (Luke 4:1-13). IT WAS SATAN's ATTEMPT TO STOP JESUS as He stopped Adam. It was the enemy's attempt to sever the relation between God and His Worshiper. Jesus was tempted in the same areas in which every person is tempted. He was tempted in the same way that Adam had been: through the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life as found in 1 John 2:15-17
The enemy knew if he could get Jesus to do one thing outside of the will of the Father, it would be over! All would be forfeited! Thank God, Jesus knew what satan was trying to do. Jesus gained victory over satan by speaking the Word of God and by keeping His focus on the Father!
By defeating the enemy at every turn, Jesus demostrated the life of a worshiper. We don't often think of it that way. Each time Jesus used the authority given Him, each time He took dominion was an Act Of Worship. Each time he came up against sickness and disease, each time He came up against false religion, lies and deception, He demostrated the power and authority man was to have from the very beginning. Even calming the sea and the wind by simply speaking to them was an act of worship. He came to destroy that which hindered us from being the worshipers God had designed us to be; He came to return authority and dominion to man. Jesus modeled for us that as a worshiper we can withstand the attacks of the enemy and victorious! He eventually gave His life so that His victory would become ours!
5) Jesus' Obedience That Leads To Sacrifice

" ... being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross ..." (Philippians 2:5-11)
Jesus' obedience led to sacrifice, the sacrifice of His very life so that we might live as worshipers. The writer of Hebrews tells us that even though He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things that He suffered. He set before us the example of one totally surrendered to the will of the Father, able to endure even the cross so thatwould be glorified. The end result was that He also was glorified. As we learn to walk in obedience, we shall be glorified together with Him. Our worship will reflect His glory for all to see.
Jesus Christ became the first of many sons, the first of many worshipers, and He set before us the perfect model of worship - beyond the song, beyond a dance, beyond the words of love and adoration that we offer up to the Father. Our worship is a life that perfectly reflects the love, light and life of the Father. It is a life lived by walking in the authority and dominion God has given us. It is a life of kingdom influence, kingdom purposes, establishing God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven; it is a life of kingdom influence, kingdom impact with kingdom results. It is a life lived from the "secret place." It is a life of FAITH, OBEDIENCE and SACRIFICE. It is a deep, intimate relationship with the Father that allows us to know His heart and mind. It is a life that allows others to see God every time they look at us. It is a life lived in the confidence of knowing who we are called to be - WORSHIPERS!
(an extract from Worshipers by Design by Apostle John W. Stevenson)