\0/\0/\0/ PRAISING GOD IN VICTORY! \0/\0/\0/

2Samuel 22:30 - Praise Him when you can overtake an entire troop
2 Chronicles 20:17 - Praise Him when He fights on your behalf2 Chronicles 20:21 - Praise Him when you can defeat an overwhelming
Romans 8:31 - Praise Him when God is for you and no one can stand against you
Psalm 7:6 - Praise Him when your enemies rage against you
Psalm 27:2-5 - Praise Him when your enemies come against you
Psalm 25:19 - when your enemies are many and are very cruel
Psalm 38: 19 - Praise Him when your enemies are multiplied and very strong
Psalm69:4 - Praise Him when your enemies hate you without cause ...
Psalm 102:8 - Praise Him when your enemies speak against your all day long
Lamentation 3:52 -Praise Him when your enemies hunt you down without cause1 Samuel 2:1 - Praise Him when you can smile at your enemies because of His salvation
Psalm 18:1-3 - Praise Him when you are delivered from your enemies
Psalm 9:3 - Praise Him when your enemies fall and perish at His presence
Psalm 18:3, 48 - Praise Him when you call on the Lord and are saved from your enemies
Psalm 23:5 - Praise Him when He prepares a table for you in the presence of your enemies
Psalm 25:2 - Praise Him when He will not allow your enemies to triumph over you
Psalm 27:6 - Praise Him when He lifts your head above your enemies
Psalm 27:11 - Praise Him when He leads you on a smooth path in the face of your enemiesPsalm 41:2 - Praise Him when He stands against the will of your enemies
Psalm 119:98 - Praise Him when He makes you wiser than your enemies through His Word
Psalm 143:9 - Praise Him when He is a shelter from your enemies
Micah 7:8 - Praise Him when He lifts you and gives you light in the face of your enemies
2 Kings 17:39 - Praise Him when He delivers your from the hand of all your enemies
Zephaniah 3:14-15 - Praise Him when He turns back your enemies
Psalm 66:3 - Praise Him when His great power cause your enemies to cringe
(An extract from Praise Him by Vivien Hibbert)