David discovered God's principle of pouring out in 2 Samuel 23:13-17. Here, in response to an uttered wish by king David for water from the well of Bethlehem, three of his mighty warriors broke through the army of Philistines that surrounded them and obtained that water for him. Yet, instead of drinking it, David poured it out before the Lord; saying, "Is this the blood of the men that went in jeopardy of their lives?" He had a legal right to drink that water, but he realized that there was a higher principle involved than merely drinking it and satisfying himself and his desire, and so he poured it out on the ground before the Lord as an offering.
A similar episode is found in John 12:3, Mary poured out an alabaster box or precious perfume upon Jesus. It was a posture and act of a glorious worship seen in the Bible (PROSKUNEO - to kiss, to knee down in reverence and adoration). WORSHIP IS VERY COSTLY! The alabaster box of purest perfumes part of her entire future. It was a dowry for her to be given to her groom on the day of her marriage. Yet when she poured it upon the Lord, the whole house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.
What is our motive for going to the house of the Lord? Do we complain, "The Lord did not touch me tonight."? Do we go to ask for blessing or to pour out our worship to the King of kings? There is a difference between going there for Him to please our hearts and going there for us to please His heart. We touch a higher dimension in God when we learn to give up the deepest desires of our hearts and pour them out before the Lord. It does not mean we do not care any more about these desires; in fact we will care more about them than we have ever cared in our lives. But when we touch this principle of pouring out in worship, it will not really matter as long as He receives the glory, and God will accept our offering, turning the barren earth in our hearts into new life.
Abraham knew the meaning of pouring out in worship. When God told him to sacrifice Isaac to Him, Abraham did not bargain but obeyed. He knew God so well that in Genesis 22:5 he could say, "... I and the lad will go younder and WORSHIP and come again to you." As a result of his obedience, Abraham met the God of resurrection (Hebrew 11:17-19), and God promised him He would bless him and multiply his seed. Only that which is offered in death will spring forth in resurrection life.
So was Jesus Christ poured out for us upon the cross of Calvary, "the Lamb that was slain from the creation of the world" (Revelation 13:8). Philippians 2:6-8 tells us of Christ's willingness to be poured out for us. In the same way, there is a realm in God where we are willing not only to pour out but to be poured out, just as stated in John 12:24. If Christ had been willing to pour out His greatest desire but not to be poured out Himself, He would probably have said something like, "Father, I love You too much to leave You" and we would still be lost in sin. But because God was willing to pour out His Son and His Son was willing to be poured out, we have a precedent for any act of pouring out that God might ask of us - our ministry, friends, possessions and desires of our hearts - and become a kernel of wheat that falls into the ground and dies, that it might bear much fruit. (An extract from "On Eagles Wings - by E. Charlotte Baker)
Closing thoughts - Why This Waste?As we ponder on the story of Mary who broke the alabaster box (John 12:3; Matthew 26:8-9), may I draw your attention to the disciples' indignant remarks ... "Why this waste?"
Waste means giving more than necessary. To Judas and the disciples the waste of money, time and efforts of worship poured out upon the Lord could ahve been channelled for better use. But if the Lord is worthy, then can it be waste? HE IS WORTHY to be worshiped, worthyto be served, worthy for me to be a prisoner and worthy for me to be in ministry ... HE IS WORTHY! Once we see this revelation, what others say about this does not matter anymore
The Lord said, "Do not trouble her". So let us not be troubled. The Lord's approval upon Mary's action lays the principles of pouring out to Him: that in our worship we need to pour all that we have, our self, upon Him. It is not first of all a question of whether "the poor" (Matthew 26:9) have been helped but a question of whether the Lord has been satisfied.
Share with you this awesome song - Pour Out My Love (by Phillips, Craig & Dean). As you worship, lavish your love upon Jesus the lover of our soul.