Psalm 136 Theme: The never-ending story of God's Love. God deserves all our praise because His endless love never fails.
Author: Unknown
We know not by whom this psalm was written, but we do know that it was sung in Solomon's temple (2 Chronicles 7:3,6), and by the armies of King Jehoshaphat when they sang themselves into victory in the wilderness of Tekoa (2 Chronilcles 20:21-22).
Repeated throughout this psalm is the phrase: His Love Endures Forever." This psalm may have been a responsive reading, with the congregation saying these words in unison after after each sentence. This repetition made this important lesson sink in. God's love include aspects of love, kindness, mercy and faithfulness. We never have to worry that God will run out of love because it flows from a well that will never run dry.

Psalm 136 commences with a threefold praise to the Triune Lord (Psalm 136:1-3), then it gives us six notes of praise to the Creator (Psalm 136:4-9), six more upon deliverance from Egypt (Psalm 136:10-15), and seven upon the journey through the wilderness and the entrance into Canaan (Psalm 136:16-22). Then we have two happy verses of personal gratitude for present mercy (Psalm 136:23-24), one (Psalm 136:25) to tell of the Lord's universal providence, and a closing verse (Psalm 136:26) to excite to never ending praise.
Source: Blue Letter Bible Text Commentaries by C.H. Spurgeon