Sunday, January 11, 2009


Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!
Isaiah 6:3

Isaiah had a vision of the unsearchable glory of God. He saw the Lord in His throne room, high and lifted up, and His glory filled the room. Around Him stood massive angels called seraphim, who, because of God's great glory, cover their faces with their wings and cry out:

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of His glory!

We have sung these exact words in our churches in hymn form. Yet often our praises ring void of the passion found in these angels. You can see people yawning or glancing about as they sing the words. Oh, how different is the atmosphere in God's throne room!

The Emerald Throne Scene In Heaven (Revelation 4:2-11)

These mighty, awesome angels are not bored or restless; they are not merely singing nice songs. They do not say, "God, I have been singing this song before Your throne for millions of years; do You think a replacement could be brought in? I would like to go explore the other parts of heaven." No way! They would not desire to be anywhere else but crying out and singing praises before the throne of God.

These spectacular angels are not merely singing a song. They are responding to what they see. Every moment, through veiled eyes they glimpse another facet and greater dimension of God's glory being revealed. Overwhelmed, they shout, "Holy, holy holy!" In fact, their voices and the entire room is filled with smoke. Wow, it's one thing for sound waves to shake a natural building here on the earth, but it is quite another matter to shake the doorposts of heaven's architecture! These angels have been around God's throne for untold ages, for time ummeasurable. Yet they experience a perpetual revelation of God's power and wisdom. His greatness is truly unsearchable.

An extract from - The Fear Of The Lord by John Bevere


  1. The book, the Fear of The Lord by John Bevere is my favourite book, a powerful book. If only we can have a revelation of how it is done in heaven and replicate it in our lives, in our worship to God. The more we yearn to see God's glory, the more He shows Himself to us, but we need to have that hunger for His presence. God reveal more of yourself to me......

  2. Thanks Doja for your comment.

    Tommy Tenny in His book "God's Favourite House" said that if we build it He will come ...

    Recommend you to read :
    1) "Glory : When Heaven Invades Earth" by Bob Sorge (
    2) Glory - Experiencing The Atmosphere Of Heaven by Ruth Ward Heflin
    (You can download this book given by author @

    Ricky - TPWC
