Sunday, July 19, 2009


1 Chronicles 16:9

We have seen in the previous post that OUR GOD SINGS! But are you aware of how many times the Scriptures also urge us to sing?A spoken voice that praises God is wonderful, but it isn't sufficient. A natural conclusion, from the scriptural emphasis on song, is that music was created to bring our voices closer to an accurate reflection of His beauty.

Have you noticed how powerful music can be? It adds weight to the spoken word in movies, on the radio, and even commercials. Most important, it adds beauty to our worship and prompts our hearts to praise God more passionately. The Bible is efficient in it's instructions, it instructs us often to make music to the Lord. And why wouldn't we? If there is anything in this world worth singing about, it's the Lord of glory. He is of highest value in this or any universe. As another psalm so pointedly urges: "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord" (Psalm 150:6). Songs, as every ear has noticed, have breath. They're living testimonies to the Creator.
Does your praise reflect the importance of song? Musical expertise isn't the issue, and neither is a good voice. The attitude of the heart is the target of the Bible's instructions. David appointed musicians to praise God in the tabernacle, and Paul urged the church to "sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God" (Colossians 3:16). we are expected to make melody.

Let your voice produce music for God. Hum. Whistle. Sing - anytime. Regardless of your talent, your heart will soar. And God will be glorified.

An extract from - Worship The King by Chris Tiegreen
Blessings - TPWC

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