Saturday, December 12, 2009


The Hebrew word for worship, which means
"to bow down, to worship"
Several Bible Characters personally met God
bowing down in worship.
We can learn from their experiences
what is involved in true spiritual worship that pleases God.

"Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground (Gen 18:2)".

"Bowing down in worship" is first used in the Bible in Genesis 18. As you read this chapter, you see Abraham illustrating two aspects of worship - In the first half of the chapter he's busy as a servant of God; in the second half, he's standing still and conversing as the friend of God. As believers, we are both servants and friends (John 15:15), and both roles are essential for a balance worship experience.
Worship and service go together - "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve" (Matt 4:10). Service is worship if we 're serving the Lord and giving Him our BEST (Rom 12:1). Abraham had often worshiped the Lord at the altar and offered up his choicest sacrifices, but now he was personally worshiping Him by serving Him a meal.

The last half of the chapter records a contrasting scene. Abraham isn't running here and there giving orders; he's standing quitetly before the Lord, talking with Him about the situation in the cities plain. And as a friend of God, the Lord shared His plan and asked him: "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am doing?" The Lord approached Abraham to discuss the situation about Sodom and Gomorrah. Noticed friends of the Master know what He is doing (John 15:15). Worshipers know His ways!

2) JOB
"At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship"(Job 1:20).

Job's initial response to the first wave of trials was to humble himself and worship. His livelihood (i.e his oxen and donkeys) had been. His transportation (i.e his camels) had been stolen. And His children (i.e his legacy) had been killed. All of this in one day! And Job's first reaction, after his inital shock and grief, was not anger, not questions, and not apostasy. IT WAS WORSHIP. He violated every psychologist's formula for the stages of grief.
How could Job do such a thing? He knew, deep down in his heart, two essential facts that most of us question from time to time:
(a) God is sovereign
(b) God is good
Job could worship because whatever was happening, it was under the sovereign hand of a really good God. He didn't know why bad things were happening, but he knew who watched over him.And despite circumstances, he knew that the One who watched over him was WORTHY!
When lives fall apart, we're inclined to accuse God of not living up to His end of the bargain. Job remembered that he was not in a bargaining position - never had been. All he had received from God was from His mercy. He knew that it was now gone had nothing to do with God's character. That 's why Job could said in verse 21 "Naked I came from my mother's womb,and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised."

When our trials weigh heavily upon us - even when crisis strikes - we must remember the unchanging, merciful God.

Blessed Week!

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