Saturday, January 29, 2011


The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.
Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ,
if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory
Romans 8:16-18
But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ,
so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed
1Peter 4:13
Perhaps you thought that yesterday's prayer would lead you to unimaginable esctasy in the presence of God. Maybe it will. But until it does, don't be surprised by trials in the interim. A fundamental truth of getting-to-know-God process is that some aspects of Him can only be revealed in pain. And one thing we will learn eventually is this: God shows up in our suffering in ways that He otherwise would not.

Doesn't it make sense that if we are to know the mercy of God, we are going to have come face-to-face with our sin first? Or that if He is to be our Healer, there must first be some sickness? Or that if He is to be our Rescuer, we must be in some sort of trouble from which we need rescuing? Or that if we are to understand His compassionate comfort, we must have some kind of hardship that makes His comfort understandable? There are quite a few attributes of God that we simply cannot see unless we're in trouble or hurting or desperate. So don't be surprised if, when He shows you His glory, He shows it to you in a difficult context. That's where glory is best viewed.

Are you suffering? Be faithful and worship. Are you persecuted? Be faithful and worship. Are you in pain? Be faithful and worship. Just like Paul and Silas in the depths of a Philippian prison (Acts 16), just like Jehoshapat surrounded by hostile armies (2 Chronicles 20), be faithful. Don't be surprised at the trial you are suffering. It may be the answer to yesterday's prayer to see God's glory. Praise Him anyway. Painful praise is often the most profound kind of praise there is.

Our response whether in good times or bad, whether is ease or difficulty, whether in fruitfulness or barrenness, is to worship. It is never inapproriate. God is worthy at all times and in all places.
(an exract from: Worship The King by Chris Tiegreen)

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