Saturday, February 25, 2012


I Urge You, Brother, In View Of God's Mercy,
To Offer Your Bodies As Living Sacrifices, Holy And Pleasing To God
This Is Your Spiritual Act Of Worship
Romans 12:1
Wisdom begins with basing one's life on reality. "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 9:10). Why? Because fear of the LORD is based on a true understanding of who we really are and who God really is. But there is a next step. Wisdom doesn't  begin and end with fear; it continues into WORSHIP. When we really understand who God is, the natural response is to offer Him whatever we can get our hands on - and all we have is ourselves.
All of those in the Bible who encountered the living God in His glory fell on their face in WORSHIP. Like Isaiah, they would offer themselves (Isaiah 6:8). If we have not gotten to that point of laying ourselves on the ALTAR before Him - without reservation - we have not yet encountered the living God. His glory prompts SACRIFICE. It is the only wise, intelligent, reasonable response to the magnitude of His goodness.
We often think of WORSHIP as words and songs that come out of our months. It is much more. It is a LIFESTYLE, a SACRIFICIAL way of living that acknowledges every moment of every day that there is ONE far more WORTHY of our allegiance than ourselves. When His interests consistently supercede ours, and we act accordningly, we are WORSHIPPING.
Imagine yourself in the throne room of God. See the ALTAR at His feet. Get on it. Lay yourself our before Him and say to Him: "I am yours. Do with me as You will. I give up my right to govern myself, because You are far more WORTHY to do it, and You will never do me harm. I exist for Your purposes, and for Yours alone." Do this every morning, then live out your day mindful of whose you are. In light of who He is, this is TRUE WORSHIP. And TRUE WORSHIP is the wisest thing we can do.
(an extract from: Walk With God Devotional by Chris Tiegreen)

- Gerald Vann -

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