Sunday, April 08, 2012


For the next few months, TPWC will share a series on the lives of some men and women in Scripture who were worshippers of the King. They may not have been worshippers in the traditional sense, in that they may not have been great singers or musicians or dancers. But one thing they all have in common is their outrageous, all-consuming passion for the King, which permeates every single nook and cranny of their amazing lives. This, to me, is what worship is truly about, and this is the stuff that true worship is made of.


 - A worshipper is someone whose hearts longs for companionship with the King.
 - A worshipper will give everything they have just to be with the King
- A worshipper loves to spend time sitting at His feet, learning of Him (Luke 10:38-42). 
- A worshipper is someone who will lose his or her own life for the sake of the King. They live to worship and glorify Him (Matthew 16:24-26). 
- A worshipper releases the fragrance of heaven in every place where their feet tread. When we have been in the presence of the King some of His fragrance lingers upon us and we begin to reflect the glory of our King (2 Corinthians 3:18; Song of Solomon 5:5). 
- A worshipper's depth of devotion is fuelled by their love for the King. Worship is the overflow of all that's in our hearts that we release to Him. God is actively seeking and searching for those whose heart is toward Him. Let's give our whole hearts as we seek to glorify Him (John 4:23-24). 
- A worshipper will experience divine grace and favour as they enter the courts of the King. The sacrifice of our praise and our worship are a sweet-smelling fragrance that warns the heart of the King. 
- As we look with upturned faces towards Him, so He lavishly pours upon us greater grace and and greater glory, until we begin to look just like Him! (2 Corinthians 3:18)"Let the saints be joyful in the glory upon their beds." (Psalm 149:5 - Amplified). 
- As worshippers we are created to be a praise in the earth for Him. Our whole life and destiny is tied to bringing greater glory to the King. we are living testimonies that speak of and for Him. This is our destiny: to be a praise and a glory in the earth for Him (Isaiah 61:1-3; 60:21)
(an extract for Heart Of Worship by Kerrie Christensen - 


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