Sunday, May 06, 2012


(Read Solomon Chapters 1 & 2)

The Song of Songs is an awesome portrayal of one woman's love for her King, and her King's desire for her. It is also a picture, or a type, of Christ's love for His church, and of the desire of the bride for her King. The Shulamite Girl depicts the Bride of Christ, and the King is a picture of Christ.The Song of Songs is literally translated, "The best of Songs", and it really is the very best songs! Most historians believe that Solomon is the author of this song, hence, it's other title, "Song of Solomon". 
The book is full of devotion and desire that streams between both bride and Beloved.
The Shulamite Girl is unashamedly vocal and passionate with regard to her love for the King. She is truly a worshipper of Him! Her mouth is full of praises for Him, as she eagerly sings all of the wonderful attributes that belong to Him:

- She is aware of the beauty contained just in His name (1:3)
- She is  aware of the fragrance of His love for her (1:3)
- She is increasing aware of His voice beckoning her to come away with Him, because He longs to see her face and hear her voice (1:14)
As the Song depicts, God  desires us to drink deeply of the love that He has for us. God's love for us is absolutely amazing and far beyond the reach of our human reasoning. He longs to look upon our face and to hear our voice speaking to Him. he longs to shelter us from harm and to know sweet companionship with us.
How do we develop this intimate relationship with our King? Relationship takes time to build. Begin to build and fashion a space and a time for Him to draw near to us. Talk to Him as if He were our dearest friend. Read His Word (like love letters). We'll uncover wonderful treasures about Him.
 As we nurture and develop our relationship with Him, over time our understanding of Him will grow deeper. And the exciting thing about a relationship with the LORD is that we never get to the end of who He really is and what He's all about. There's always something new and fresh to learn either from Him or about Him.
The Shulamite Girl knew the King not only as her beloved, but also as her friend: "This is my beloved, this is my friend, daughter of Jerusalem." (Song of Solomon 5:16) We would do well to follow her lead and make our LORD our very best friend. When we behold Him, we cannot but worship Him!
(an extract from - Heart of Worship by Kerrie Christensen)

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