Monday, February 11, 2013


The Door-Keeper

"For a day in Your courts is better than a thousand. 
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God 
than dwell in the tents of wickedness" 
(Psalm 84:10)

According to the inscription, this psalm is associated with "the sons of Korah," who were Levites assigned to guard the threshold of the sanctuary (1 Chronicles 9:19), an important and honourable office. Their ancestor rebelled against God and Moses and was slain by the LORD (see Numbers 16 - note "tents of wickedness" in Psalm 84:10 and Numbers 16:26) but continued to serve at the sanctuary. The psalmist didn't aspire to a high office ("gatekeeper" in 1 Chronicles 9:19 is not the same word as "doorkeeper" in Psalm 84:10) but was willing to "sit at the threshold" of the temple, just to be close to the LORD.

Have you ever wondered why he was willing to be a doorkeeper? Some interesting insights for your thoughts:1) He holds the key to God's presence 
(to unlock the threshold of an "open-heaven")The prophet Isaiah likens the presence of God among His people to a city, concerning which he says: "You will call your walls Salvation and Your gates Praise" (Isaiah 60:18 ). The only way through those walls of Salvation is by the gates of Praise. Unless we learn to approach God with praise, we have no access into His presence.The "Door-Keeper" has the "master key or Master's key" to unlock many other doors in the temple in to His glorious Presence!

2) Jesus is The Door (John 10:7-9) - In the sense that Christ is a Door, the psalmist may well be content to be a doorkeeper, and though in God's house there be many mansions, yet seeing all of them are glorious, even the door keeper's place is not without its glory when one is passionate and hungry (God chaser) for His Presence - just to encounter Jesus

3) Miracles does happen at the gate (Acts 3:1-10 whenever Jesus is presence.Be A God Chaser - a passionate Worshipper. You hold the key to God's Presence!

Be blessed! - TPWC.

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