Monday, February 10, 2014


Greetings Worshipers,

This will be third and final installment on Worship Quotable .... the list is inexhaustible because worship is eternal (Revelation 4:10-11). Trust that you are inspired by these power worship quotes from people who are worship pastors, worship songwriters and worship authors:

"When I worship, I would rather my heart be without words than my words be without heart." - Lamar Boschman

"We've made worship self-centered instead of God-centered. We lobby for what we want: 'I don't like the songs', 'I don't like the volume'. It's as if we're worshipping worship instead of worshipping God." - Geoff Bullock

"Worship touches God’s heart, and in turn, he infuses ours with his passion and compassion." - Bob Fitts

"Worship changes the worshiper into the image of the One worshiped - The heart of the issue in worship is this: My life needs God's presence to work God's purpose in my life." - Jack Hayford

"Worship is God's enjoyment of us and our enjoyment of him. Worship is a response to the father/child relationship." - Graham Kendrick

"It is in the process of being worshiped that God communicates His presence to men." -C.S. Lewis

"We must never assume that simply because people are gathered together in one place, they are necessarily ready to worship. They seem to be ready, but they must in fact be brought to a place of readiness. The people do not need whipping—they have been battered by the world all week long! Rather, through loving understanding and prophetic anointing, the leader should bring them to a place of open surrender to the Holy Spirit." - Bob Sorge

"Worship is an act of obedience of the heart. It is a response that requires the very core of who you are, to love the Lord for who He is, not just for what He does." - Darlene Zschech

"Worship is the love making expression between the bridge (body of Christ) and the groom (Jesus Christ). Worship is love freely given to God it is the expression of awe and respect to God." - John Wimber

"We can express our worship to God in many ways. But if we love the Lord and are led by His Holy Spirit, our worship will always bring a delighted sense of admiring awe and a sincere humility on our part. " - A.W.Tozer

"Worship is not a matter of skill and technique. It is not confined to just singing some songs during a weekend church service. It is a lifestyle and daily experience. True worship flows from the life of one who has an intimate relationship with God. It is the response of our spirit to the presence of God" - David Swan

"True worship changes people. If you’re not changed after you worship, you haven’t been worshiping. No one can draw nigh into the presence of God without changing - It can’t be done! If worship doesn’t propel you into greater obedience, call it what you will, but it isn’t worship. It isn’t worship unless you come out of it with a greater commitment to obedience. As worship begins in holy expectancy, it ends in holy expectancy or it isn’t worship. The results of worship are that God is glorified, Christians are purified, the church is edified, the Lost are evangelized." - John MacArthur

"To worship God . . . is to "glory in his holy name" (Ps. 105:3), that is , to revel adoringly in who he is in his revealed character. But before we can glory in God's name, we must know it. Hence the propriety of the reading and preaching of the Word of God in public worship, and of biblical meditation in private devotion. These things are not an intrusion into worship; they form the necessary foundation of it. God must speak to us before we have any liberty to speak to him. He must disclose to us who he is before we can offer him what we are in acceptable worship. The worship of God is always a response to the Word of God. Scripture wonderfully directs and enriches our worship." - John Stott
"A worship leader's purpose is to direct a congregation's worship toward the Father. If you know you are appointed by God to lead His people into wholehearted worship - whether you're a trained worship leader or not - God's anointing will be there. Don't allow your own sense of inadequacy to keep you from stepping out in obedience and dependence upon the Lord. " - Don Moen

"Worship is the act and attitude of wholeheartedly giving ourselves to God, spirit, soul and body. Evangelism is the activity of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and calling mankind to wholehearted devotion to him.
Worship Evangelism, then could be defined as: wholehearted worshippers calling the whole world to wholehearted worship. "
 - Gerrit Gustafson


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