Monday, August 18, 2014


"I Will Bless The LORD At All Times;
His Praise Shall Continually Be In My Mouth"
Psalm 34:1 (NKJV)

What would happen if we decided to let every thought and every breath bless the LORD? Imagine the result if His name were affectionately on our lips as we lay down at night, as we turned over in our sleep, as we awoke in the morning and as we went about our daily business. Would such a perspective radically change our hearts? Probably. Would it change our world? It's likely. Any time in the Bible someone gives himself to worship, God does amazing things through that person. Blessings abound. God's work done. He is glorified.
What prevents us from such a pervasive sense of His worth? Are our schedules just too busy? Or is it deeper than that? Perhaps it's a suspicion that He hasn't been as good to us as Scripture declares that age is. Or maybe it's a subtle resentment that He has not paved our paths with gold and has allowed us to taste the bitter trials of life.

Whatever reasons we can come up with, we should ask ourselves if a worship-filled heart is worth sacrificing to the gods of busyness, apathy, and disappointment. If we really got a glimpse of God, we would never be too busy; we would never be too apathetic; and we would never be disappointed with His will for us. We would understand that underlying everything we go through and every responsibility we're given is the loving hand of a God who is leading us closer to Him. The end result is a greater blessing than and earthbound human can possibly imagine.
The angels surrounding God's throne cry put day an night, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of His Glory" (Isaiah 6:3). Perhaps we were not created with exactly the same role as those angels were; but then again, perhaps they are pictures of the praise all creatures - including us - owe Him. We at least have a similar purpose: to honour God and ascribe glory to Him. What prevents us? Nothing should. What would result? Everything our heart truly desires.
(An extract from: Worship The King by Chris Tiegreen)

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