Sunday, October 12, 2008


"Enoch walked with God" (Genesis 5:24)

The true test of a person's spiritual life and character is not what he does in the extraordinary moments of life, but what he does during the daily grind of everyday life when there is nothing tremendous or exciting happening. In the 1600's, there was a monk named Brother Lawrence who was a dishwasher in his monastery.

He made a profound discovery that is true for every believer in the workplace today. "For me the time of activity does not differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are calling together calling for as many different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as when upon my knees at the blessed Sacrament."

You see, he found no urgency for retreats, because in the common task he met the same God to love and worship as he did in the stillness of the desert. It is this kind of life that Jesus desires for each of His children. Enoch was also a man that practiced the presence of God. The Bible does not give detailed account of his life. All we know about him is that "He walked with God." In fact, it says in Gensis 5:22 that Enoch walked with God 300 years! Wow! That is faithfulness!

What does it mean to practice the presence of God daily? It means we are constantly talking to our Heavenly Father about the issues in our day. It means praying about things as they come up. It means singing a song in your car while you are sitting in traffic. That is practicing the presence of God.

Today, when God gives you times alone or there are needs that arise, stop and consult your Heavenly Father about the situation. Then you will be practicing the presence of God.

An extract from TGIF (Today God Is First Vol 2 - May 28) by Os Hillman
Blessings - TPWC


  1. Awesome!!! It breaks it down into a simpler form. I like the story about the monk. Sometimes, I get so busy during the day with work and family issues and it can be a struggle to pray, but one thing that I do is what the monk did. I worship and speak to God wherever I am. My walk between the station and and my work, if I don't have a colleague with me, I use it to pray or worship God. I go into the toilet and just worship Him. I believe that is having teh presence of God go with you eaach minute. My prayer is that as I am yearning for His presence daily, I will not do anything that will make His presence to depart from me. I love You God!!!!


  2. Thank you for a wonderful message. Yes, in as much as God is in the important activities, He is in our mundane issues too. The best part is that God is also in our emptiness and disappointment. Learned this the hard way - in the "wilderness" of Cambodia. When all seemed lost, God was right there. God bless!
    In Christ Alone,
    Pastor Albert Kang

  3. Dear Ps Albert,

    Thanks for your comment. I am glad you had your break-through in the "wilderness of Cambodia"

    King David did recovered ALL through his repentanc & continuing seeking & chasing after the presence of the Lord. That's why he could dance before the Lord's presence when the Ark of Covenant was finally brought back to Jerusalem.

    May the Lord continues to use you mightily in your new seasons.


  4. Thanks Doja for your input.

    My pastor also shared about John 15that Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. As long as we choose to "abide in Him, He will abide in us"

    Keep praising the Lord! :)


  5. Ricky...
    Thank you for shepherding the Praise and Worship Connection.
    I enjoy your site . I tried to follow the link to your Pastor's sermon, but couldn't get there. Also I like the \0/ That's really good.
    LaMont Green (USA)

  6. Hi Lamont,

    Thank you for your encouragement. Trust that we all can experience the reality of being able to practice the Presence of the Lord through our disciplined worship lifestyle.

    About link to my pastor's note on the "7 Twins" spiritual disciplines we can apply in our life. is correct. Try typing the link on to your internet browser instead of clicking the link or go to the home page
    Please let me know if you are still unable to get in.

    TPWC - Ricky
