Saturday, November 01, 2008

Healing During Worship Intercession

This is the testimony by sister Pauline ... during CS Music's team (Singapore Christian Songwriters & Music team) pre-showcase prayer, praise and worship intercession (1 week ago)

My hand is 90% healed today!!! Never had it been healed in such a short span of time especially when the pain paralyzed 80% my right arm yesterday. The slightest movement brings a painful cringe on my body, with a totally distorted face. History of it... it's repetitive stress injury (RSI).

Today I woke up able to move my fingers without pain and I know God is in the process of healing. Tonight when CSMusic met for prayer, I felt that I should take off my hand splint and trust God for healing. As worship was going on, I felt the Holy Spirit prompting me to start flexing my wrist and rotate my arm gently. As I was doing it, the pain gradually decreased to a point whereby I could do most movements without much pain. At the end of it, they laid hands on my right wrist and prayed. I was able to play the guitar after that! By that time I knew it was 80% healed! I am trusting for 100% healing now. *

Just some background... there was a period when the pain lasted for almost a year, at times worse than yesterday, on better days I could move it but not without much struggle. Stopped playing the piano/keys during that time, tinkle a little on good days, but couldn't really play... the rate at which it healed is a miracle! Praise the LORD!! And all the saints who prayed for me...


* Note : sister Pauline's hand has been completely healed! \0/\0/\0/
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