Every Day I Will Praise You
And Extol Your Name
For Ever And Ever
Psalm 145:2
As we step into the New Year, what would be our thanksgiving, praise and worship to our King be like? Is it a Sunday ritual or a frenzied emotion that we can put on and take off? Is it limited to one style of music or a particular church?
God seeks those whose worship emantes from deep within. He desires legitimate praise and integrity between heart and mouth. He wants to be the One we treasure most. Most of all, He wants you. Yes all of you! If you don't have a daily time of thanksgiving, praise and worship, make one.
Let us establish genuine praise of the Father, the Son and the Spirit as a daily experience. Psalm 145 is a good place to start. It mentions the urge to praise and worship our King daily. And it is glorious in it's sweeping praise of the Lord, so there's no shortage of material in it by which our mouth can honor Him, if for some reason praise is hard to come by. Read it daily - slowly, thoughtfully, worshipfully. Don't let it become a stale routine, only a treasured habit. The exaltation of the King is always to be treasured.
Again and again in the Bible we find people thanking and praising the Lord and instructing others to do the same:
Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving ... Praise the Lord! ... Praise Him, O servants of the Lord ... You who revere the Lord, Bless the Lord ... In everything give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus ... Through Him letus continually offer up a sacrifice of praise to God!
God places great importance on thanksgiving, praise and worship. Withholding thanksgiving, praise and worship is an injustice toward God. we owe Him everything, and it is only right that we give thanks to Him and ascribe to Him "the glory due to His Name." (Psalm 29:2). For these reasons and many others, thanksgiving, praise and worship is not a mere obligation. It is our greatest privilges a schildren of the living God. It should rank high in our priorities!
If you don't have a daily time of thanksgiving, praise and worship, make one. Put them even higher on your list of priorities than making prayer request to God. Let them be the springboard into your request and your study of the Word. Stop now, if you can, and give thanks, praise and worship Him for at least one of His benefits. It you have ever needed a dramatic change, daily, heartfelt thanskgiving, praise and worship will bring it about.
(an extract from Worship The King by Chris Tiegreen)

Blessed New Year 2011
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