Hebrews 13:15-16

Do you want to pleased God? As a believer, of course you do. Not only has He put His Spirit into you to prompt such desires, it was your created purpose from the beginning. We often get it backwards, thinking that God exisits for our pleasure; but when we read the Bible, we get a different picture: We exist for His. As created beings who exist for His pleasure, redeemed by His blood and filled with His Spirit, a desire to satisfy Him comes naturally. Of course we want to please Him.
Many Christians at this point get caught on an endless merry-go-round: lots of movement with no real progress. we stress and strain, desperately seeking His will that we might do it and please Him. We may feel like we're jumping through hoops just to try to get His attention, doing all sorts of gymnastics to hit the perfect landing and make Him applaud. All the while, He is pleased with His Son, who happens to reside in us; and He is pleased with believers who can fulfill the instructions of this simple passage.
The writer of Hebrews tells us clearly how to please God. Earlier, he told us that it is impossible to please Him without FAITH (Hebrews 11:6). Now he gives us some more specifics. For instance, God is pleased with a SACRIFICE OF PRAISE. The verse even spells that out for us: It's the fruit of lips that confess His name (Hebrews 13:15). And - a significant "and," to be sure - "do not forget to do good and to share with others" (Hebrews 13:16). These are things that please God.
If you have been stressing about making your Father happy, stop the gymnastics. Jesus pleased Him, and Jesus is our life. God is satisfied by our FAITH in Him. But if you want your behavior to thrill His heart, start here. This will revolutionize your life. Let your lips PRAISE Him, confessing His name with JOY. And do good to others. God is pleased with such SACRIFICES. Do this. and He'll be pleased with yours!
(an extract from: Worship The King by Chris Tiegreen)
P.S. For more on The Sacrifice of Praise - Please check TPWC's blog post dated 14 & 21 August 2010
Blessed Week - TPWC
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